Follow the Installing Tensorflow from Source instructions to install all the dependens. Clone the source code from Github, and ckeckout to the specific version you want. Then follow the instructions below

cd tensorflow


bazel build -c opt //

Copy to your installation directories, then you can link in g++ as the other normal shared libs. As for the include files, I do not know which are they exactly, I copy the following directories the include directories.

Supporse you are in the root directory of tensorflow source code, and your include directory is "INCLUDE_DIR". Copy the following to "INCLUDE_DIR" should work.

mkdir INCLUDE_DIR/tensorflow

cp -r tensorflow INCLUDE_DIR/tensorflow

cp -r bazel-genfiles/tensorflow INCLUDE_DIR/tensorflow

mkdir -p INCLUDE_DIR/tensorflow/third_party

cp -r third_party/eigen3 INCLUDE_DIR/tensorflow/third_party

And now, when you use, you just need to add "INCULDE_DIR/tensorflow" to the include search path.

To use, you need to have the right version Eigen and protobuf installed. If you notice the workspace.bzl under "tensorflow/tensorflow", the building tools downloaded Eigen and protobuf. For Eigen, you just need to download and uncompress it. As for the protobuf, you can download the right pre-compiled version, or download the source code and compile it yourself, see Compile protobuf from source for more information.


The main benefit is scalability in multi-processor and multi-threaded systems achieved, in part, by using multiple arenas (the chunks of raw memory from which allocations are made). See jemalloc for more details.


XLA currently supports JIT compilation on x86-64 and NVIDIA GPUs; and AOT compilation for x86-64 and ARM. See tensorflow/performance for more details.



CUDA computing power

See Nvidia for your GPU computing power.

Eable instristic instructions support

bazle build -c opt --copt=-msse4.1 --copt=-msse4.2 --copt=-mavx